May 2, 2021Liked by David Watson

"Yikes, and here I am avoiding the water because I can't stop thinking about sharks"

Who, pray tell, do you think is controlling the waves?

"Really cool set of animations, highly recommended. The details about how the oil gets where it needs to be were new to me."

Lots of good stuff here, and excellent references to Papadakis Racing. Knowledgeable and unpretentious content there.

"Pretty sure this isn't how they normally record audio for animated films. (Here’s the final version of the scene with Bill Murray)"

There's a reason they didn't have a followup interview with the dozen audio engineers that sacrificed their lives for the cause.

"I suspect I'd have trouble making something seaworthy *with* power tools, it feels like driftwood and twine isn't gonna cut it in the real world."

Seaworthiness aside, I should point out the supplies of fresh water and protection from exposure that are critical to survival, as well as the aforementioned sharks that control the waves.

Also, is there some secret markdown something-something that can make these quotes look nicer?

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The interface I use to write it just has standard command-i and command-b

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