Favorites April 24th 2022
Not sure how to highlight it better, but that band of greenery so high up in the middle of the city is quite striking in person.
Noah Smith adds that it doesn't make sense to buy an overpriced apartment and expect appreciation when the population of the country is declining. This thread goes on, explaining that the same processes that made values spiral up work in reverse as well.
LePen lost to Macron, (although he made some tactical errors)
The second photo is the *after* photo. They've moved very quickly to clean up damage, in many ways the war is strengthening civil society.
Here's the site with the data. From the article: "had the federal minimum wage kept up with worker productivity, it would now be over $20 per hour". Combine that with a strong labor market, and surprise, you get unions.
• Thread about Ukraine's success fighting at night.
• Thread about attrition of Russian forces.