Shifts, Laws, and Flaws

Photoshop’s reflection removal tool looks amazing! I haven’t yet figured out how it works but I have some photos I need this for
I've mentioned it before, but once again, the actual main effect of the jones act has been impoverishing Puerto Rico (cached), and causing the US to simply give up on Interstate Sea Commerce (cached)
Really interesting that no one has tried this till recently
– It used to be that you could say ‘the plural of anecdote isn’t data’ but these days the situation is worse, because people find ‘anecdotes’ through algorithmic recommendations, so now there isn’t even a hint of random sampling. If you read a feed that’s biased to show you bad news, you’ll think everything is bad. On the other hand, network news coverage pushed some very stupid stories, (cached) although they’re chasing clicks like everyone else (src)(cached)
– A whole article full of stats about NEPA! (src)(cached)
– Chinese urban design as an example of James Scott’s ‘Seeing Like a State’ (src)(cached)
– US treasury hacked by China (src)(cached)
– China as our opposite on building stuff (src)(cached)
– Wiesenthal thinks Yglesias and Klein are talking past each other with different definitions of “left” in discussions about who it is that's being obstructionist in blue cities. Here's the thread where (cached) they're arguing. Another option: maybe it's just that everything is being ruined by lawyers (cached). Here's the thread that started the argument (cached). (src)(cached)
– The “underserved community” requirements for building federally funded EV chargers were probably misguided (src)(cached)
– Texas is getting into the game of writing bad AI bills. Not sure how likely it is to pass though (src)(cached)
– 4 years since the woman reacts to the shape sorting video. (I was discussing this video recently didn’t realize it was so new. (src)(cached)
– California homework limit law sounds dumb given our poor education performance, but arguments in favor seem reasonable (cached) (src)(cached)
– Hackintoshes are over because Apple arm chips are now so good people use them to run Linux or Windows (src)(cached)
– The YouTube channel Half as Interesting has gone way downhill. Even a bit of research will find huge problems with their claims. (src)(cached)
– Food companies are already working to address plastic contamination found by PlasticList a few days ago (src)(cached)
– One thing about being a Georgist is that you need to contend with people who think that boomers moving to a smaller house is a human rights violation (src)(cached)
– nothing shaped US politics from 2004 to 2016 more than the Iraq War (src)(cached)
– Was the Industrial Revolution largely caused by increased population? Yglesias also thinks so, the huge productivity gains were actually like a hundred years before the period we consider the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. (src)(cached)
– Sad to learn that Confess, Fletch is likely not getting a sequel, given that I'd give it Five Stars. (src)(cached)
– The blocking of the US steel acquisition by the Biden administration is absolutely bizarre. Here are some details (cached). The Union supported the sale (cached) (src)(cached)
– Someone interviewed a former Juicero employee for a job just to find out what was going on there (src)(cached)