This is great news! Finally protecting this stuff with law is a much less tenuous place to be.

On the other hand, SCOTUS is ready to hand out new 'rights'.
It's good that companies are suddenly taking emissions seriously. Also, Noah Smith made a Viagra analogy about the situation if you're into that kind of thing.

This seems like a reasonable question, one which I also was wondering about. Issac shared a 99p invisible episode on the subject, but more importantly pointed out that the price signal doesn't work when it's so fast and so large. (100x price spikes over just a few hours)

It's not a mirage caused by purchasing power. Americans are also relatively happy, and to totally blow your mind: we have shorter average commutes than Europeans!

10x the population-to-restaurant ratio of mexican restaurants. Apparently "the government of Thailand has intentionally bolstered the presence of Thai cuisine outside of Thailand to increase its export and tourism revenues, as well as its prominence on the cultural and diplomatic stages". Genius.
• Thread about polysilicon production capacity, indicating that manufacturers are making bets on solar demand that are astronomical. 1 terawatt per year by 2025. That's 5% of world energy usage, every year!