The recent advancements in AI are really coming along fast, and that's cool, although it's worth noting some of the new kinds of attacks that it's making possible are terrifying. Plus there's, the irony that the creative parts of human capacity are being recreated first.
If you've been looking at US tech stocks recently, hey, it could be worse.

It's becoming really clear that good air is super important for cognitive function. I was happy to notice massive new A/C systems installed at our local elementary school over the summer.
• Thread summarizing the wild conversation between an Amazon HR representative and a Union organizer. It took me three reads of this opening sentence to make understand the situation, someone complained to HR that Heather had said, "Heather has a lot of good things to say."
• If you wanted to know why a number of US Senators have come together to state that use of Nuclear Weapons against Ukraine would be considered an attack on NATO, here's a translation/summary of Putin's speech announcing the annexation of part of Ukraine TL;DR: it's surprisingly reminiscent of QAnon stuff. By the way, he didn't actually clearly define the boarders or governance structure of what they were annexing, it doesn't help that on the ground Russia continues to lose territory.
• Many people were discussing this thread about Obama's private take on Trump in January 2017. TL;DR: Obama seems to have gotten a lot right.
• Thread assessing floor plans that result from converting offices to residential. It's not the best use of space, but it could work.