He continues: "visible presence of deterrence; you get better relations with the public; & internally the officers don’t feel like they’re occupying saigon but rather are a part of the community". Driving around
One take on this recent news was Zelensky: “I don’t think he’s bluffing. I think the world is deterring it and containing his threat”
Doubtless it takes a ton of electricity to make the stuff, but if it's a drop-in replacement for jet fuel, that's pretty great, because batteries just don't seem viable for air travel.
• Short explanation of how the environmental law NEPA doesn't actually prevent 'bad' projects, it just slows down projects, and what changes are being discussed. TL;DR The updates being proposed won't prevent folks from suing to stop projects that would cause harm, it just requires everything happen faster.
• Thread of clips of footage from Iran over the last few days.
• There's an ongoing argument of whether numbers of equipment are more important in winning wars, this historian argues equipment is underrated, especially by Putin, who is taking the wrong lessons from WWII.
• Speaking of equipment, here's a thread translated from Russian explaining the advantages of the Iranian loitering munitions they've started using. Israel is expected to have the best countermeasures, can they be convinced to start helping Ukraine?