Really great looking set of reforms in NYC. They got rid of parking mandates! They upzoned a ton! For all his faults, Eric Adams appears to be pretty good on housing.

The chart doesn't even show the period after Russia tanked their economy by going to war!

Further, they're ascribing agency to the LLMs that just isn't there. The comparison with how copyright for photography has worked is very useful. The person who created the spiral work I linked to previously clearly put work into it.
The key fact in there was how ridiculously disproportionally delivery trucks kill pedestrians and cyclists. I also had no idea that many major cities have a 'low emission' zone.
Longer Reads
• Interesting and extensive list of changes SFPD could undertake to reduce car break-ins.
Flotsam and Jetsam
– Retirement increases the number of kids. Grandparents do so much childcare that parents are willing to have more kids. (src)
– Really nothing stopping future Moon-bound astronauts aboard starship from stealing it and going to Mars. (src)
– A few NYC residents arguing against switching to trash bins. (src)
– Armenia / Azerbaijan war has resulted in some strange ally arrangements. (src)
– White House uses 'worst guy you know made a good point' meme. They even cropped it different for comic effect. (src)
– Advocacy for a 'no right on red' policy in SF, probably a good idea. (src)
– Sexual orientation found to be heavily associated with prenatal hormones. What's the ethical outcome going to be if it can be controlled pharmecutically? (src)
– Higher total transmission on electric lines by using batteries to flatten demand (src)
– Chinese anti India sentiment is turning into negative rumors about the India made iPhones are horrible. (src)
– Europa may have carbon in the atmosphere. (src)
– Great idea for iPhone 15 button action "Mute Toggle When Face Down, Otherwise Launch Camera" (src)
– Short thread argues that being married helps you get to financial stability, rather than something you do once you're already secure. (src)
– Chinese cities have way more surveilance cameras than any other country's cities. (src)