Erik Brynjolfsson actually posted this from an Amtrak train, where he was getting 1.5 megabits down, and that's within the most economically productive city corridor in the world.
Darrell Owens suggests now's the time to go work for the State group tasked with enforcing housing laws, since San Francisco seems determined to keep breaking them till the end of time. Salim did a quick estimate indicating it'll probably lead to neighbors within a 100m radius collectively paying $144k more in annual rent.
Apparently San Francisco Supervisors see fighting the state as standing up to real estate interests somehow
In slow motion, you can clearly see that the clock gets 'hit' by the 'curveball' when you throw hard enough.
• The Chief of Staff of the new Prime Minister of the UK seems to have been involved in a plot to bribe a US politician and influence a US election. TL;DR, he got a "proffer deal", and after a few minutes of research I can't tell what level of guilt or of legal danger that implies.