Switzerland & Japan: we’ll build electrified rail near our famous landmarks and everyone will love it
California: we can’t build electrified rail because some drivers might have to look at wires and CEQA, the “environmental” law signed by Ronald Reagan, says that’s bad

traffic circle on 38th Wanter @TribTowerViews
The view from the highway will be ruined by the train power lines? Ridiculous!

An extremely wet and rare early season system will sweep through NorCal starting later this weekend bringing widespread, soaking rain.
This will hamper fire activity for the next couple weeks during the peak of fire season while rapidly slowing the spread of the #MosquitoFire.

Absolutely terrific timing, although this doesn't exactly end our drought, no further rain is expected afterwards.
• Argument that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is obviously the greatest international security crisis since 9/11. tl;dr it's had wide-ranging impacts and has clarified alliances.
• Short thread about Judge Cannon's most recent order, tl;dr: this order is unexpectedly poorly reasoned and is not gonna hold up on appeal.