We've just absolutely broken OPEC
They're not that different in size but one of them is surrounded by Single Family homes, ridiculous.
They have a whole thread about their proposed system, seems cool, although it's obviously still untested, but if I'm understanding it correctly, they have a system to route each gondola separately.
If you're wondering, normally SMR means 'Small Modular Reactor', meaning a nuclear reactor. Fusion reactors are usually not small.
Longer Reads
• I enjoyed this article about Nate Silver's proposed Technological Richter Scale, although I don't really agree with it's central argument about AI. (src)
• The menswear guy did a whole thread on tariffs, from the perspective of suit manufacturing. TL;DR: they increase inflation (src)(cached)
Flotsam and Jetsam
– The biggest danger of war comes from a nuclear armed predator country with a non-nuclear neighbor. (src)(cached)
– US Looking at safety standards that will actually address car bloat and danger to pedestrians. (src)(cached)
– Solar panels that would power the entire US would be less than 2% the size of all the US farmland devoted to fuel ethanol. (src)(cached)
– New study of Air purifiers in Finnish daycare seems to indicate that they reduced the kids illnesses by a significant amount. It's actually so big an effect that it almost seems implausible. (src)(cached)
– HUD updated the building code for factory built homes, allowing for unit buildings and multistory designs. Very cool. (src)(cached)