The best part is definitely the loose Legos that can rattle around a bit on each thump.
Fires are like a rounding error in their responsibilities. And yet we keep hiring more of them. One take, it's a way to get men to sign up for care work. Sadly they're the ones fighting against single-stair reform.

A bunch of right-wing influencers were being paid by the Russian government (cached) to spread propaganda, 'horseshoe doomer' (cached) stuff mostly. Tim Pool doesn't seem to realize that he's going to need a lawyer.
Matt Levine does great work at Money Stuff, and this is just one fun recent example from June.
Longer Reads
• Chris Elmendorf did a thread discussing how best to combat NIMBYism. TL;DR: backlash from rich NIMBYs is the worst, even though it feels terrible, don't focus on taking on Atherton, focus on upzoning transit corridors and existing medium density. Handle the richer NIMBY areas with lighter touch options: market rate small-unit count apartments. (src)(cached)
Flotsam and Jetsam
– There exist people even in Manhattan who oppose mass transit, there are NIMBYs everywhere. (src)(cached)
– Spam has absolutely destroyed our ability to conduct polls to find out what people's actual beliefs and preferences are. (src)
– Kathy Hochul of New York is not having a good time, and after she blocked congestion pricing at the 11th hour, I have absolutely no sympathy. (src)(cached)
– The Democratic Party 'Big Tent' is now big enough to contain both AOC and Dick Cheney. (src)(cached)
– Some people think that a tax on corporate profit is dumb, but it sounds a lot cooler if you reframe it as a more capitalist alternative to a soveirgn wealth fund. (src)(cached)
– China is trying to get Malaysia to stop drilling for oil in the waters off Sarawak, claiming rights to the territory. Take a look at a map to understand how insane that is. (src)(cached)
– Believe it or not, America has the best managers in the world. (src)(cached)
– Many important things could be said about tonight's debate, but too few people are talking about how well Trump's wildest lies lined up with the piano in the Peanuts theme song. (src)(cached)