There's a bit of subtext here, there appears to have been massive cheating in this class via a huge group chat, the professor made the class harder in response, so the students got him fired. The coordination via group chats makes cheating more insidious. Grade inflation is real and there's a legitimate worry that it's turning Universities into credential factories.
Twitter's stock price quickly jumped up pretty close to the originally announced purchase price, so the market thinks this is happening, employees think so too. What a ridiculous sequence of events. In the very short term, I believe that less moderation on Twitter will probably make it a less pleasant place to be, but it's unclear that it actually helps Republicans.
β’ Western military official's assessment of Russia indicates they're not mobilizing nuclear weapons, despite what some folks reported yesterday.
β’ Thread explaining the work of today's winners of the Nobel Prize for Physics. TL;DR: Confirming quantum entanglement definitely exists. (But it can't be used to send messages).
β’ Thread from Zeynep Tufekci describing the clear evidence that COVID vaccines have value for immunocompromised people.