Favorites October 3rd 2021

Huh, a world-class city that builds and zones for a lot of housing….

Hiroko Tabuchi @HirokoTabuchi
Almost like there's a connection between zoning and rents.

This is an unbelievable scientific advance.
We are literally giving sight to the blind.
This is a Biblical-level miracle.

It's unfortunately still only shapes and letters. When I first saw this, I thought it had already been done, but previous technology has been an implant in the patient's eye, but this is an implant in the patient's brain.
All the stuff about her holding seiances to decide what to build next that they tell you ON THE TOUR OF THE HOUSE, appears to be fabricated, concocted after her death.
Windows gets right down to business.

South Korea believes in us more than WE believe in us.
Thanks, Korea! ❤️
We should do more to try to live up to Koreans' vision of America.

D'aww, that's nice of them.

New administrative burden paper: automatic enrollment into a default health plan significantly increases take-up by 35-50%. scholar.harvard.edu/files/mshepard…

I would almost prefer my company only offer one insurance plan option.

I feel like everyone has forgotten Politics 101, but the correct approach to this kind of thing is you pander to what the swing voters want and realize the other people will vote for you anyway.

Helaine Olen @helaineolen
Yea, this is where that whole thing about needing an off-ramp for the pandemic comes in.