Obviously I still prefer approval voting or star voting, but ranked choice appears to get the goods in terms of driving moderation.
It's easy to get into details about what the report says about next quarter, but the topline numbers really are good. This means the Fed is likely to continue to raise rates, Yglesias argues that the thing to do is to actually start taking deficit reduction seriously, because otherwise this is going to slow home construction. (And as a YIMBY, I don't like slowdowns in new homes!)
I'm happy to report that SB330 has been a huge success in reducing displacement in Mountain View.
Augh! Just staple a green card to the diploma, it's not complicated! How are we allowing the system to stay so broken?
If I'm reading the article correctly, it's accurate to 5%, very impressive.
Looks like the deal went through. Apparently it's still not entirely clear how he managed to get all the financing together. Some folks were being very dramatic about the change in ownership, others are less worried.
• In honor of Twitter going private Merlin Mann shares a list of his all time favorite tweets.
• Eric Topol has a short thread describing a study of a nasal vaccine strategy in mice that worked against all variants. Maybe we should be putting some money in developing this faster?