I finally went and looked up where "skill issue" came from, it's from online gaming. One player says "the game is unfair" and another responds "it's a skill issue", in other words, it's not the game, it's you. Or Boeing.

If you want to discuss a liberalism that builds, this seems like a good list of options.

He has drastically updated his current guess for who will win the AV Taxi race: 40% waymo wins, 10% other US, 10% China, 40% no one

Cool to see a Democrat proud of a new nuclear power plant. It uses an 'open air brayton cycle,' and my very cursory research indicates that this is simpler but lower efficiency than the 'heating water' style systems.

And yet people still seem to think we're in a recession! Everyone who doubted the Atlanta Fed's projections is going to need to rethink things.

Longer Reads
• Long thread of analysis claiming that Democrats have lost support among lower education americans by adopting fewer 'predistribution' policy goals and focusing more on 'redistribution' (src)
• SF is in even more trouble with the state, HCD says they have 30 days to make changes or they'll be back at Builder's Remedy. This is separate from SB 423 singling SF out for extra scrutiny, that happens next year. (src) TL;DR: Everything in the table below has to happen or Builder’s Remedy goes into effect.

Flotsam and Jetsam
– 30% of workers on mechanical turk and other similar platforms are now using AI. (src)
– Santa Claus is real: presents, army of laborers, knows what you did (src)
– Australia could be a fully renewable grid with 5 hours of energy storage (src)
– Apple published a paper on their new architecture for generating images. (src)
– A quarter of Hamas' hostages are Thai farm workers (src)
– Deepfaked audio seems to have had an impact on the Slovakian election (src)
– Senate is finally planning to overcome the hold on military promotions. (src)
– Covid appears to mutate much faster than the Flu (src)
– Some more info about the kids of serious warnings that Isreli leadership was ignoring before the October 7th attack. (src)