There's a whole thread, but as always, the updates to predictions of solar power installation rates are fun because they just keep underestimating how many will be built.
Tina Fey is demonstrably capable of writing good sketch comedy, but she specifically chose to have the show-in-a-show be bad. Sorkin had/has barely written much comedy, let alone sketch comedy. I still like Studio 60, but this critique of the show makes a lot of sense to me. There's no reason that the show-in-a-show needs to be good, you're not actually watching it! You're seeing it in the background. Anyway I suspect Sorkin eventually understood his error, if too late.
Really commit to a prediction before you open this link and check. Say it aloud.
Don't use AI detectors on student's work, they are absolute garbage and have an extremely high false-positve rate. Here's the cited story.

The Hobbit trilogy theatrical cut is 474 minutes, almost 8 hours. Longer than it would take to just read the book! If you're wondering about fan edits, it turns out that's a huge rabbit hole, most are a bit over 4 hours, but there's one editor who got it down to just 2 hours.
Longer Reads
• Short thread describing new proposed geothermal permitting reform executive order. (src)(cached)
Flotsam and Jetsam
– Tesla's newest FSD software still misses signs that are clearly visible in broad daylight. (src)
– Trump is fundamentally proud of repealing Roe v Wade, even if his responses on the subject are a bit evasive sometimes. (src)(cached)
– Short video from Jake Gotta about the problems with Inclusionary Zoning. TL;DW: for every subsidized unit that gets built, between 4 and 5 units don't get built at all. He also wrote a column on this subject. (src)(cached)
– With North Korea now fighting on behalf of Russia in Ukraine, Noah Smith re-ups his old post about how hard it is to pinpoint the beginning of WWII. (src)(cached)
– Discussion/jokes about whether foreign agents are trying to date folks with top secret clearance brings up some anecdotal evidence. If Representative Swalwell could fall for it, anyone could. (src)(cached)
– Sure seems like China is slowly taking Bhutan's territory. (src)(cached)
– WinRed, the Republican equivalent of ActBlue is responsible for over 1% of US credit card fraud, although it's an old story. (src)(cached)
– The NYTimes embarassingly confused probabilities with polling averages. Woops! (src)(cached)
– The menswear guy has a very long post about why Trump's pants are so wrinkly. TL;DR: he likes very light fabrics, and suits made of light fabrics end up wrinkly. (src)
– The three most cited AI papers from 2023 were all were all from Meta's AI team. (src)
– Lots of Republicans have said they won't vote for Trump because of January 6th, but here's Alan Cole as an example. (src)(cached)
– Previously there's been discussion of fracked geothermal, and now there's evidence that 'supercritical' water (Over 400°C) can be effective. Here's the paper in nature, if you want to check it out, but I just read the abstract, the introduction got complicated fast. (src)(cached)
– NotebookLM has had new features added to it, including the ability to 'pass a note' to the AI Podcast hosts. (src)(cached)
– Dave Bautista posted a video attacking Trump on a bunch of issues (src)(cached)
– Most states allow companies to run Level 4 or 5 autonomous vehicles now, although they'd probably be required by law to have steering wheels. (src)(cached)
– Devon Zuegel is working on creating a new town 90 minutes north of SF on unoccupied land. (src)(cached)
– China is no longer just giving Russia 'dual-use' equipment that Russia then deploys in Ukraine. They're now manufacturing weapons for Russia. (src)(cached)
– Trump sure wandered around the stage for a long time at his rally earlier this week. (src)