It’s sorta a bummer that there’s no ‘pro democracy’ flag for Iran, just a ‘Pro Shah’ flag. But you go with what you’ve got.

This is what California is able to achieve with both hands tied behind its back.
Imagine if they repealed CEQA and implemented the full YIMBY agenda for housing.

He points out that it's even more impressive because we have half their population.

It does not seem good for TikTok (e.g. the Chinese government) to be deciding what news 10+ percent of the US population gets.…

The current state just isn't tenable, decoupling really seems to be happening, I don't know how TikTok can stay as is in such a world.

Actual recruiter convo I had:
Recruiter: what percent of your time is spent writing code?
Me: including reviews, design docs, debugging, etc?
R: No, only writing code
Me: (in my head: like <=20%)
Me: uh, 80%
R: Sorry, we only want candidates who code 100% of the time

naomi (forgetful functor) @fixedpointfae
@drance replies: "Is there a toilet at my desk or"

TIRED: rishi sunak is the first person of color and first hindu to serve as prime minister of the UK
WIRED: rishi sunak is the first fan of the star wars prequel trilogy to serve as head of government of a G7 nation

Siddhartha Mahanta @sidhubaba
The quote says "Star Wars" and it's only from context that you realize, "Wait... the prequels??"

Halloween is coming which is also the deadliest night of the year for American children under 18...because of drivers. Not because of fictional news stories about drugs in candy.

It's commuters specifically, deaths are lower when Halloween falls on a weekend.

Wow! #Tehran’s underground… 5 weeks after the death of #MahsaAmini in the custody of morality police for allegedly not wearing her hijab properly… #Iran

• Short thread with details of the DoJ charges against Chinese intelligence officers accused of trying to bribe an FBI employee with $41k in bitcoin.