Favorites October 24th 2021
Some fascinating insights here—including the political price of ENDING a war and how little of a (political) price three previous presidents paid to keep war going. That’s messed up.
Mike Memoli @mikememoli
Sometimes the American public is just absolutely unhinged.
I once saw an incredible lecture in Berkeley by a historian of science, one of the best talks I have ever seen. He started his talk sitting on the desk amongst a huge pile of physics textbooks from history, each in its day "the best textbook of its time."
Great thread, love the final visual.
Everyone is doing this critique of Saudi Arabia, but it’s probably more noteworthy that the new center-left government of Norway also holds this position. https://t.co/HtXs5ytWLC
Assaad Razzouk @AssaadRazzouk
Being cagey in their climate promises is hardly a surprising for Saudi Arabia, but Norway 😬
The awesomest thing about the battery revolution is that the technology isn't even mature yet. A whole bunch of people are researching better TYPES of batteries at breakneck speed, even as manufacturing costs come down fast.
Short article with some interesting angles that are being investigated, although I can't easily tell how close any are to commercial viability.
Just published: The gravest problem with the way Amazon treats employees may be one you’ve never heard of. As the company hit record profits, it fired and underpaid employees who sought leaves for illness, new parenthood and life crises. (Thread.)
Seems bad...