Favorites October 22nd 2021
Sea salt has a small amount natural iodine, apparently meaning that people living on coasts were less likely to be iodine deficient.
A character mentioned torpedos that just "bounce off" in Cryptonomicon, but until I saw this I didn't realize how bad the problem had been. Here's the full article.
Nice to see that immigration can work out politically eventually, even if only in Germany with a more stable coalition form of government.
This is an excellent thread, the key portion really reminded me of Factorio: there will always be a bottleneck, if you don't choose where it is, then it'll just be random. Instead: "You should always choose the most capital intensive part of the line to be your bottleneck". I really recommend the whole thing. Anyway, good news, it got to Gavin Newsom in less 12 hours, and the problem has already been aliviated.
It's got the Dolby Atmos logo too, so it must be bouncing the sound off the ceiling as well.
Look, Santa Cruz in the spring was just very picturesque, I’ve got a lot of photos.