There was a whole episode of Bad Takes about the situation, and they lightly touched upon this angle, but I think it's probably the main thing that's going on.
The Financial Times also picked this up, yikes. This does not seem fun.
To give a comparison, she points out that Stanford has 17.9M sqft of building space, Berkeley even less.
Also, Louis Staples offers his thoughts and prayers to the author of the book about Truss' meteoric rise to the top, out December 8th. Truss is destined to be a trivia footnote. But at least she'll now draw a pension for life, (which is probably good policy).
Bad news though, by 2373 the Maquis were totally crushed when Dukat allied Cardassia with the Dominion. So you're gonna have to start a new cell yourself.
So, first of all, what a horrible bunch of adults. Secondly, I had to go look up Star Chamber, and found out that it was initially a special court set up for people too fancy for normal court, but has come to be associated with courts with arbitrary rulings, no "due process" rights and secretive proceedings.
• Thread Bob Wachter of UCSF about how he's thinking about COVID risk these days. TL;DR: there's not much evidence risk levels will be much lower for at least a couple years, so whatever you're doing now you shouldn't think of it as temporary.
• Interesting thread detailing the impact of the last four years of trade war with China initially started by Trump, but continuing to today. Too long to summarize, but one highlight was that EV battery imports from China skyrocketed despite there being a tariff in place making them an outlier.
• Short thread explaining why Biden's guarantee to refill the strategic reserve at $70 a barrel is a good policy.