Favorites October 19th 2021

I kinda wonder how it compares with Marijuana in terms of both number of viable use cases and difficulty of teasing apart active components.

Apparently the government is paying for further capacity in West Virginias coal plants, it's absolutely insane.

Wow, that's a much bigger effect than I'd have expected. From the paper, the impact on all residential construction is 13%.

Here's a summary, she's upset about the phrase 'people who menstrate'

This is surprising, most popular reason for a lack of urgency was having an employed spouse in one poll.

Interesting idea, $100k reward for convictions, apparently there aren't that many organizations handling fencing the items shutting a few down could make a significant difference.
Surprisingly, this wasn't conventional wisdom yet, although if you were reading Vox in 2020...

Lead is bad! Clean it up anywhere possible!