They're finally publicizing the plasma globe attack against Google, which is absolutely my favorite of the security team's attacks.
It's hard to find many photos, but it's a big missile. There's actually a video of the impact with the pedestrian bridge, which remains surprisingly intact. This would be sloppy writing for a TV show, it's just too on-the-nose. Unfortunately, the other civilian targets, including the German Embassy in Kyiv, still had many casualties.
Coincidentally, that comes out to $5.74 per CCF, which is comparable to retail prices for water in Seattle, this obviously doesn't include the cost of delivery, but it's a useful price point. Either way, we're going to need desalination.
I believe the photo was actually taken in 2012, but either way, cool photo.
• A discussion about San Francisco's updated draft of their housing element, and how it really is improving. TL;DR: their staff is really trying to make progress, but now are running so late that it looks like the only way they'll make it in time is by essentially asking the State regulator to rewrite their housing plans. Here's a follow-up thread with more details of what a tough spot SF is in regarding their plans for housing.
• The Economics Nobel Prize announcement made comparisons with the Bank Run in It's a Wonderful Life, but this thread explains that the film actually (accurately) depicts a Building and Loan company collapse. TL;DR: Banks were already FDIC insured by then, and B&L companies didn't have 'runs'. If you want an accurate depiction of a bank run, the film you want is Mary Poppins.
• Thread about how failures of major (tech) products often happen because of a fatal flaw that the team refuses to address. (Lytro camera, Google Glass, Google Clip).