One of the wild things is that despite Statewide YIMBY success, San Francisco, where the movement started, has not yet increased the rate of housing approvals.

The thread of details about how it was done is pretty cool. Still very labor intensive, despite all the AI stuff involved.

Again, Maximum Canada is seeming more likely than One Billion Americans. I think combining the two for One Billion Canadians is a bit ambitious though.

This is pretty cool, but it is insanely processor intensive to encode/decode, it barely runs in real time on a modern processor. Skimming the paper, I couldn't find the memory requirements, but I suspect that's also pretty significant.

And of course, Bolsonaro himself has driven the distrust in voting proceedures that are causing people to refuse to accept the results. I recall being taught in my Computer Security course: the goal of an election is to convince the loser that they've lost and that they don't have support to try to overturn the results extra-judicially.
• Really beautiful example case study of a single staircase apartment development in Seattle. The single-staircase allowance is special and Seattle-specific unfortunately.