Favorites November 18th 2021
I heard a claim that Belarus is weaponizing immigration. Proposal for a counterstrike:
1) Bring immigrants to US.
2) Settle them, provide education and healthcare
3) Convince them to like lite beer and say "soccer"
4) Enjoy small but real increase in national wealth
Calling it 'soccer' is the last frontier of US cultural domination.
Trump-backed primary challenges are often framed as retaliation against Republicans who were personally disloyal to Trump.
It's worse than that: They reflect an apparent desire among GOP voters to elect officials who are willing to subvert elections:
Things could go in a really disturbing direction if Republican voters remain focused on this.
Interesting SF Chronicle article on how an SF housing nonprofit has become a vociferous opponent of new housing and a kingmaker in local politics by, in essence, funding local ballot measures with millions of dollars in federal affordable housing funds.
Kinda seems like the headline shouldn't call this guy a housing advocate when his main thing appears to be preventing homes from being built.
tl;dr - regions in the US that are associated with ISO/RTOs have generally reduced carbon emissions faster (-35%, avg.) than those regions w/o competitive wholesale markets (-27%) since 2005
Fossil fuels have gone from "the cheapest option, but dirty" to "something so expensive that only dysfunctional markets can save it" in a decade's time
Michael E. Webber @MichaelEWebber
I don't think I would have guessed this
Jesus Christ.
Strongest preference for Republicans since 1981.
If something doesn't change soon, we're in for an enormous red wave in 2022.
It's significantly worse than the standard 'thermostatic' shift away from the president's party.
Adjusting House salaries for inflation, the only staff position that got much of a raise since 2001 was COS — the one in charge of handing raises out.
Ugh, we need good people doing this work, why would you underpay them? The article has more info and graphs.