Mike Laidlaw notes that "flying in, making a lot of noise, shitting on everything, and then flying off again is called 'seagull management.'" Although maybe if he flys off things will calm down? Gonna be tough running this site with a Skeleton crew.

One tidbit from another thread is that many of the people who've elected to stay are on visas that make it hard to stay in the country if they leave their current employment.

Later in the thread it's noted that these are estimates, no one has the exact figure yet. But at this point twitter will have lost something like 90% of their workforce in three weeks.

Sarah Jeong points out that Elon looking for sabotage is very Tim Robinson Hot Dog Guy.

Most estimates are expecting things to get dicey during the world cup which is often a very high traffic day for Twitter.

It's gonna be really hard to keep Twitter running, Yglesias quips: "In a profound sense, the real Twitter was the friends we made along the way." Nate Silver went and made a Substack just in case. Kai Ryssdal agrees that Twitter has been a great place to be over the years.
• Tech layoffs impact H-1B holders the most, here's a short thread on what to do if you're laid off while on an H-1B.