Favorites November 16th 2021

Freedom to experience airport security theater
That's a lot of Texas switches in the last clip, wow. Also, I’m kinda realizing Wright is unusually into using that trick.

"When you know your class action lawsuit against Santa Claus is getting dismissed". I looked it up, and these appear to be the ceremonial robes, trimmed in Canadian white mink.
"I'm asking you who's on first! No no, You is on Netflix"

They've gotta look out for the little guy... Oracle?

Message discipline is hard.

Someone needs to be responsible for cost benefit analysis! It's ok if we decide that *isn't* the FDA, but then Medicare should be doing it.

It’s great that biotech continues to innovate in treatments for difficult illnesses, but I’d rather spend that money developing new treatments rather than spending it on things that might not actually work.
That is just crushing: too little money to look around for a job that's a better fit.

California is an amazing place to live, and if we keep fighting there's no reason we can't have cities that truly rival New York.