Matt Levine's writing about legal/financial messes is just amazing. I also liked the segment of this article involving Microsoft Clippy.

This seems like it would be really good, some next-gen vaccines that block transmission maybe? Or better yet, vaccines against all variants?

Maybe we're gonna get a lot of stuff done during this lame duck session?

Determining election outcomes via signs is not a good idea, but maybe winning elections via signs has some potential.
• Short thread explaining why the kind of code freeze Twitter has enacted is unusual, culminating in the tweet from Musk that they're getting rid of microservices, which just reads like he doesn't know how modern backend systems work.
• Summary thread of a paper with concrete and relatively cheap steps countries should be taking now to avoid the risk of bioterrorism. "Delay Detect Defend"
• Great thread about the "Shamaness of Bad Dürrenberg", one of the greatest archeological discoveries ever made in Germany.