That's definitely what one likes to see, looks like rates could go up just a bit more, but the bank failures are probably going to make the Fed more cautious, forward guidance is over.
Here's the underlying article the quote is from. Part of what's amusing about this is that all bitcoin transactions ever are easily traceable like this. One guy is getting in prosecuted for decade old transactions
This is really cool! More vaccines against respiratory viruses! Do common colds next!
Nolan says if it makes the planning director more comfortable, he's happy to ctrl+f "parking", delete all as a consultant in return for a $5 beer. Not sure I can get a majority on the Mountain View City council to vote for this procedure though.
• Thread regarding the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline. It appears more likely Russia did it.
• Thread by an American who moved to China in 2010 and lived there till 2021 about how it wouldn't be possible for someone to do the same thing now because of how much China has changed.