Seems like referring back to 17th century precedent and trying to apply it to the modern world is a bit crazy, but what do I know. Susan Collins is very mad, but maybe she's just profoundly gullible?

Opinions haven't moved that much in the last few decades on abortion, but they've moved on gay marriage, seems like it's worth protecting that while we can.

A bit of good news here.

Here's the comparative efficiency by location, the US uses 30-40% of our corn to make ethenol, we are already wasting massive amounts of land on something much much less efficient than solar panels. The amount of space we'd need for panels for the American power needs via utility scale solar are similar to the amount we use for Maple Syrup or Golf.

Sounds about right to me!
• Thread arguing that the leak is from a conservative clerk, the strategy is that leaking it locks in the decision, because any small changes between now and the release would reveal details of jockeying between justices.