So, is the UK now a high-immigration, pro-immigration country, with attitudes trending inevitably more positive?
Well, for that we must revisit the chart that began this thread:
Immigration has kept rising but concerns have evaporated. What *else* could explain the divergence?

If you think that graph is surprising, you might be even more surprised to know what secondary measure *does* correlate with public sentiment: Tabloid coverage, and it continued to track after Brexit.

This country is so dysfunctional that other countries will look at our massacres and pass new gun laws out of horror, but we will not.

Wow, Canada is #7 in gun ownership per capita in the world, and countries 2 through 6 are much smaller and much poorer.

Straightforward from here:
1. America invades and annexes a now-disarmed Canada
2. Incorporation of new provinces as states rectifies senate imbalance https://t.co/2X5boP8rBo

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸 @RepMTG
I'm sure there's a flaw in this plan somewhere...

Feels like NYC is increasingly a beneficiary of the remote revolution. Our newly graduated NYU MBA associated shared that she speculated 90%+ of her class is staying in NYC. Unusually high.
It's wild how WFH has helped clarify why cities can be great, many people really want to live near other people.

Oh btw: Because automated traffic enforcement is proven to improve safety, it is now eligible for Federal HSIP funding for data-driven safety countermeasures, at as little as a 10% local match. Sorry, Ms. Goldfield. safety.fhwa.dot.gov/hsip/rulemakin…

Depressingly, California cities are ineligible, as automated enforcement is illegal here.