Russia is the only other major country Chinese people view majority favorably. One worrying thing about this is that this sort of public pressure can drive leaders to get into conflicts that they might otherwise avoid. Even in autocratic systems.
I really like the comparison to fire prevention. We have a fire code and take precautions despite no major city fires in a generation. We now have the capability to do the same for pandemics.
If you're wondering what caused it, he points out that the clearest reason is that oil prices fell.
This color annotated version of the patent makes it clearer how ridiculously complicated it is to have three working fluids. Here's the full wikipedia page, which should probably start with "yes, that Einstein".
That's a good looking government building.
• Thread about Russia's Defense Minister's many medals, none for any combat, including one for taking back Crimea, with a date on it before the Ukrainian protests that were used to justify the invasion.