A lot of talk about this study of SIDS deaths, although as this tweet indicates, by no means have they found a definitive cause, so this doesn't really change anything about existing recommendations about avoiding SIDS.
Remote work is really hitting CA hard, NIMBYism is taking a toll.
We probably could have had vaccines available months earlier if challenge trials had been allowed. How many lives could have been saved if we'd run the challenge trial, over a thousand had volunteered by April 2020.
That last one: "why do you own the land but never use it" really hits the nail on the head. If only there were a fix for this.
Some really dumb stuff going on in Republican-controlled states right now. Although don't worry:
Democratic institutions do some silly stuff too, if only tactically stupid in this case, rather than actively harmful. The old messaging was chosen for a reason, this is such an insane moment to try to rebrand everything.
The immigration provisions in the bill are so good, it'll be a real shame if they're dropped from the China competition bill. It's all related!
Yes! Get rid of double staircases! Beautiful buildings await.
Yikes, heading towards North Korea territory.
• Thread regarding the implications of that Texas online platform law going into effect.
• Thread suggesting that wastewater monitoring for COVID is not a good-enough replacement for actual testing to figure out local COVID rates.
• Long thread about Russia's manpower problem, and how declaring general mobilization might not help them.
• Thread describing in detail how someone ran a currency short that collapsed the third largest stablecoin and netted around 800 million dollars.