In all, Russia lost 32 armored vehicles, plus a tugboat.

Wow significantly more success than the Amazon warehouse unionization effort. Maybe the centralization of large warehouses makes it easier to focus anti-union efforts? Does this mean it’s inherently harder in the modern environment to unionize larger workplaces?

Also, inflation has eroded the real value of the national debt significantly. Now we just have to hope inflation slows down a bit more before the midterms.
You know what a good solution to a dearth of talent is? Allow more high-skill immigration!
Here's the segment from the video, it's absolutely amazing, I don't know how they're doing it, but my first thought is something like this example from two minute papers.

From an LA Times article. Electric cars produce less brake dust (regenerative braking) but more tire dust (batteries are heavy).

If it's not struck down by the supreme court, this law goes into effect in December. Popehat: "Oh, you probably thought Republicans were saying they were in favor of all free speech. They mean their free speech."
• Moderna Vaccine for kids as young as 6 months is on track for June approval.
• Thread about a thread about the limits of the concept of induced demand, wherein building new highways doesn't reduce traffic jams. Of course the ideal solution is to just charge for use, the entire concept of 'induced demand' depends on the fact that highways are free to use for cars. The paid lane on 101 doesn't experience traffic from induced demand.