Favorites March 4th 2022
Land Value Tax.
Seems much less likely now that Russia is going to roll through Ukraine and on to the rest of Eastern Europe.
To refresh your memory, Rick Scott is in charge of the GOP senate campaign. These are some unusually unpopular views.
Nate Silver thinks it's up from his handling of Ukraine. Noah Smith thinks Biden can further improve his numbers if he can highlight GOP pro-putin opinions over the last few years.
The whole "never get involved in a land war in Asia" thing is really about not being on offense.
If you're wondering, folks in the comments say it's maize.
I thought this was an interesting insight, they go on to point out that there may be an element of revenge to China's decisionmaking.\
The no fly zone is a very bad idea (WWIII), and not buying the oil probably isn't so bad for the US, but it would be tough for Europe.
Like Nuclear Madman Theory, except it's based on people being crazy in aggregate!