Favorites March 24th 2022
I'll be honest, I did look it up, because I'd forgotten, but the cornea is the outermost part, from wikipedia "The cornea is the transparent front part of the eye". So maybe not the most complex structure in the eye. But still very cool.
He also gives the recent example of Rick Scott saying he wants to raise taxes on retirees. In general, if you find yourself saying that you plan to "move the overton window" maybe don't do that.
This is interesting, I wonder if the less professional drivers end up fading away and Uber simply becomes a replacement for the old taxi dispatch systems.
Continuing, at least "climate deniers live in accordance with their beliefs". Also, recall that Sunrise Movement is also blocking transmission lines that would allow bringing green energy down from Canada.
This was the big news in domestic politics today. The details of the things she was saying are of the craziest QAnon varieties there are. Thomas should definitely have recused himself from the question of whether the texts should be turned over. Participating and then dissenting 8-1 not just unethical, it was stupid. It's interesting how the private texts from January 6th really separate the opportunists who think things got out of hand from the "total conspiracy brainworms". Even more details if you are interested.
If you caught my distress at the US only letting in seven Ukrainian refugees as of yesterday, I'm happy to report that we've come a long way.