Favorites March 23rd 2022
YES! Finally!
If I'm understanding the article correctly, it seems that the main improvement of the 'platform trials' is that they trial multiple drugs in one trial, using a shared placebo group. The reason it's not done more: "Drug companies tend to want to avoid studies that allow their medicines to be compared so easily to one another".
@binarybits responds that he's definitely interested to see if Waymo now begins to expand.
Oh exciting, a crossover event! Clean energy should be thought of as an opportunity for using *more* energy, improving life for people more.
It's really not clear how Russia will even be able to occupy the territory it's already captured if losses like this continue. Also, Ukraine has turned over a 'Krasukha-4 mobile electronic warfare system' that they captured for analysis to the US.
Bringing in refugees actually increases GDP *per capita* "in part because they are more likely to be working age than natives". So far the US has let in seven (7) Ukranian refugees.
This seems like a bad idea on like, basic econ 101 principles. Even the non-economists are pointing out this is dumb.
• Long thread detailing how Russia ended up with a military made up largely of ethnic minorities.
• Thread concerning diving through ownership and staffing to show that one of the worlds largest yachts, currently docked in Italy, is actually Putin's. Also, on a related note, business insider reports that 'the yachting industry is pretty scared'.
• Explanation of why Europe has gotten stuck in negotiations over sanctions and a proposal for how to move forward with sanctions on Russia's oil/gas exports.