If I understand correctly, the collapse of Credit Suisse has also wiped out a bunch of Saudi and Qatari investments.
One of the biggest current weaknesses of Large Language Models is that they're unable to differentiate between instructions and documents, so if the document contains instructions, it often dutifully executes them. Here's another fun example of someone who added invisible text to his website with extra instructions. Interestingly, Bing seems to be somewhat more robust against these tricks.
You can tell the dog one is fake because everyone knows The Mandalorian is filmed The Volume rather than on location.
This is such a great observation, although I might go a step further and say that you can do better than just small setbacks, call for architectural arcades and you can't see the building at all!
If you click through, there is a very long thread about Neuschwanstein Castle, built in 1869 by King Ludwig II of Bavaria.
• Short thread on a proposed trade to keep the Child Tax Credit in return for permanently ending the SALT deduction. TL;DR: this is a great trade and Democrats should take it.
• Long thread about some journalists trying to find the Russian military unit responsible for shooting down a passenger airliner in 2014.
• Summary of recent improvements to llama.ccp, the public project that's building improvements upon the large language model that leaked out of Facebook recently.