Favorites March 18th 2022

Places w/ higher rates of poverty, don’t have more homelessness (left)
Places w/ higher rates of mental illness, don’t have more homelessness (top right)
Places w/ higher rents, *DO* have more homelessness (bottom right)
Bottom line: The root cause of homelessness is housing.

These are excellent graphs

Turns out “Secret Congress” isn’t even Members of Congress themselves , but rather Congressional staffers https://t.co/WvVz8GIlAE

BuzzFeed @BuzzFeed
The buzzfeed article has the play by play, but it's quite the commedy of errors.

Canonically dubbed the Weakman in Sanchez (2009) — you deliberately seek out the worst non-fake argument for a position you're against and then slam it.
Has become very prominent thanks to the invention of Twitter!

Zeeshan Aleem @ZeeshanAleem
"Weakman" is an interesting concept if you haven't heard of it. A successor to the strawman that can only exist because of the internet.

When we say Kyiv is winning the information war, far too often we only mean information spaces we inhabit.
Pulling apart the most obvious RU info op to date (as we did using semantic modelling), very clear it is targeting BRICS, Africa, Asia. Not the West really at all.

There are examples of the memes that they're making targeting India. The fact that we feel like Russia is losing the propoganda war is that they don't care about winning us.

Drivers who benefit from police leniency in speeding tickets are 25% more likely to re-offend and 14% more likely to be involved in a future wreck.

Automate traffic enforcement!
• Thread about how the Finns are now concerned that their defensive posture being dependant on Russia being rational.
• Short explanation for why the sanctions are set up to allow Russia to make debt payments.