That's wild! One other commenter points out that the stability of our solar system might be a part of the answer to the Fermi paradox, maybe somehow planet order is too?
I'm not exactly sure what to make of this, the best I can think is that it means that patients should be asking a bunch of questions about success rates of potential therapists. This is something people ask about for surgeries all the time, but a surgery is also much easier to judge the outcome for.

From a business perspective, running their own ad platform is the obvious next step, and has been for a while. No matter how much they give the impression they hate ads, it's going to be hard to resist forever. Some day there will be a need for more services revenue.
Longer Reads
• A post explaining Mamba, a potential successor to the transformer, it's quite long.
Flotsam and Jetsam
• A post explaining Mamba, a potential successor to the transformer, it's quite long. (src)(cached)
– Meta has a wristband that can figure out what hand motions you're making, it's still big and clunky, but it could be a good VR input method eventually. (src)(cached)
– Now that he's out of Russia, Tucker says that he thought Putin's justification for war with Ukraine were dumb. (src)(cached)
– Someone really wrote a paper saying that tall buildings are 'violence' (src)(cached)
– I did not know that Rick Moranis' impression of George Carlin was so brutal that it caused him to totally change his act. (src)(cached)
– "If you assume that Biden loses 100% of uncommitted/write-in primary voters, but flips half of Haley voters, he wins by 11 points nationally". In this case he would win in the electoral college by a significant margin. (src)(cached)
– Apple told Epic they could open an EU 3rd party app store, then told them they couldn't a few days later, then had to turn back and let them open it. (src)(cached)
– Medicare pays more for services at a hospital that can be provided in a physician's office. A lot more, despite that there's no evidence that the care is measurably better. (src)(cached)
– North Dakota's governor is very YIMBY, despite otherwise being extremely conservative. It's good to have the issue be bipartisain, even if the folks on the other side are quite distasteful. (src)(cached)
– Musk is clearly able to not say things that would make the Chinese government mad, even when they do things that are bad for him. (src)(cached)
– Students admitted to U of T without taking SATs eded up geting much lower GPAs. (src)(cached)
– Trump came out in favor of significant social security / medicare cuts, in contrast with Biden. (src)(cached)
– Super super long write up on the differences of opinions between AI tech practicioners and Superforecasters on the risks posed by AI. The abstract at the beginning is useful, the groups fundamentally disagree about a few near-term predictions though. (src)(cached)
– "We’re drinking MBS’ milkshake" (src)(cached)