Favorites March 14th 2022

Shanghai is the second city now, not accepting western mRNA vaccines is looking worse and worse. Could end up being the biggest policy mistake of the whole pandemic Nationalism is a hell of a drug

This logic applies more to normal gas engines anyway!!

Just absolutely stupid. Don’t do this stuff, this isn’t World War 2, we should be capable of understanding nuance.

General sales taxes are clearly stupid, but unfortunately, it's become very clear that real carbon taxes aren't going to work politically.

Another thread on Chinese sentiment about the war, only about half of posts are clearly pro Russia, not that it's very predictive of anything.

Not sure bailing out Putin is worth the effort.

This building is absolutely amazing. After reading the Slate article about the dual staircase mandate resulting in upwards of 15% percent of each floor being wasted on long ugly hallways, I immediately calculated the floor plate wasted to staircases and corridors in this building, 9.5%.

Not only are per-car emissions down, total transportation emissions are falling, although they're not falling as fast as power.
• A long thread explaining how hyperinflation is equivalent to a debt jubilee, and making recommendations for how to act on that.
• Short thread on the huge downswing in the Chinese markets today. (Both on Ukraine news and covid news)
• Thread explaining what's up with the Ukrainian 'biolabs' conspiracy theory.
• Thread from Brad DeLong explaining the risk of 'stagflation' in the next two years, which he puts at more than 50%.
• Thread comparing Russia's request for aid to Britain in WWI.