These are some good points, although I think I might quibble with #3, but only because I'd just redefine the problem as 'land use', and now it covers almost everything.
Seattle does something similar, $75 dollar fines. I am once again pointing out that it's insane that this is illegal in California.
Now that we're closer to full employment, we have the opportunity to focus on fixing the policy mistakes that were previously justified by 'creating jobs'. Automation is good. Good news, Biden's housing plan looks like it's moving in this direction. It seems like it was essentially regulatory capture that caused this.
We're going to need to figure out strategies for converting some of these offices to homes.
This thread is pretty damning, not only has the FDA moved ridiculously slowly to approve vaccines for under 5s, but they seem to have massively tipped the scales in favor of Pfizer. "It's heads Pfizer wins, tails we flip again."
• Thread about the absolutely deranged worldview espoused by a relatively influential Russian Nationalist Galkovsky. Seriously Q-Anon level stuff