The fact that he managed to do something that both of the previous two presidents both wanted but couldn't make happen is impressive. Seems like he wouldn't have been able to do it if he hadn't been in the room for the previous go-around when Obama tried to do this.
This was in response to this video about Tokyo's great suburbs.
• Turns out the air force drone story yesterday was BS. Domalewski deleted the tweet.
• The economy is continuing to do quite well, payrolls showed another 300k jobs added. Somewhat relatedly, tons of construction of new manufacturing is happening
Having recently been to Tokyo, yes absolutely on their suburbs. And that follow-up comment is hardly a gotcha; the roads are too narrow for cars or scooters to drive fast, so having separated sidewalks isn’t really an issue in small neighborhoods. Also, not a great look to flatten your neighbor’s Obachan, because, surprise, you might actually know your neighbors.