Ukraine is currently experiencing a massive sea change in acceptance towards LGTBQ+ members of its society. It’s experienced a 30% increase in support in 6 years. With large swings towards accepting gay members of their society and rapidly declining negative feelings as well
That's pretty amazing... Like, they've decided they're joining Europe, so they had better get on the bandwagon for other policies?
'Pro-Choice' Identification Rises to Near Record High; Abortion Views Flip From Majority Restrictive to Majority Permissive; Democrats Rally to 'Pro-Choice' Side as Roe Is Threatened (Lydia Saad, Gallup) Details:…
Hopefully this means the foolish idea to rebrand as 'pro-decision' isn't happening?
Housing for cars is abundant & too often free. In the San Francisco Bay Area, there’s nearly 2 spots per person, & 2.4 spots for every car. LA County devotes about 200 square miles of space — about 9 Manhattans — for parking alone. Via @fmanjoo in @nytimes
US City land use always comes back to parking, and in turn Shoup.