I found this graph useful, because I'd heard shipping costs were falling quickly, but the context of where we were pre-pandemic is very useful.
Yea, India got this right, we should probably follow in their footsteps, (although once again, it's not about the user data)

Popehat agrees that this probably meets the Brandenburg standard for incitement. The key is the order of events, he hears they have weapons, understands who the weapons are for, and gives a speech calling on them to march on the capitol. Seems like incitement. There were tons of other allegations in the testimony today, but this is the important one. Renato also had an end-of-day thread about all the testimony.

Really looks like witness tampering.

For anyone but a former president, proceedings would be pretty far along at this point.

He goes on to say essentially sure, the Americans are visiting Mexico / Canada, but EU residents are visiting Switzerland / Iceland.
Yes, I love it. These shots formulated against Omicron 1 aren't any good against Omicron like 5 that we're on now. Reformulate and release it faster, it's the whole advantage of mRNA vaccines!
• A thread with updates on the war in Ukraine. Russia is advancing in Donbas, but slowly, elsewhere things are not moving as much. All signs now point to a more protracted battle, Ukraine holding up, but somewhat short on ammunition. Good news: Germany is finally sending significant weapons systems to Ukraine.
• Singapore is modernizing their ports, spending $40 billion, a short thread about why we should be doing the same (by a congressional candidate)
• A thread with details of what happened when Los Angeles spent $20 Billion over a decade to renovate hundreds of schools. (Spoiler, repairing schools for poor kids worked well along numerous measures and investigation shows that for every dollar spent, they got back a $1.60 in land value alone.