He continues: the Roe ruling was good, but the votes just weren't there to make it law. And as for the rest of the West:
I for one hod not realized that Europe's abortion laws were so strict. Of course they have better healthcare, so there's that. But like, my goodness, look at Finland.

Like an Apollo program that already saved millions of lives and had the potential to save millions more. WTF were we thinking. We saved a World War's worth of lives.

Along with Shoup's favorite (eliminate minimum parking requirements), the other three are: End single family zoning, minimum lotsize/FAR requirements, and legalizing inherently cheaper forms of building.

This looks like a market failure that the government should be stepping in and fixing...
• Thread about legality of abortion in the 1700s. Very legal, and we can tell because it was reported on when things went badly (medicine in the 1700s was not so good).