This seems like it could be bad, especially given that interest rates are way up.

I know there's more and more CG in films now, but it's cool that now they don't need to replace the screens on phones anymore.

I had to look up how the color depth options worked on old macs, I had forgotten that you chose the bit depth (256 in this case) separately from whether they'd use colors or not.
If you're unfamiliar, this is a model of one of the concepts for what could be built above a long term nuclear waste site to try to keep generations of people away. One of the proposed inscriptions was "This place is not a place of honor... no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here... nothing valued is here."
😬 😬 😬
Longer Reads
• Long thread with details about the underground bunker that was used to command the british air force during the battle of Britian. (src)(cached)
• Great thread about a study of how rivers changing course in ancient mesopotamia affected the rise of complex states in the area. TL;DR: states rose to solve coordination problems, not to allow the powerful to extract tribute. (src)(cached)
• A long thread about the beginning of SF's housing crisis in 1912 with the creation of the Planning Comission by a vote of 50.4% of the population. TL;DR: their first order of business was establishing setbacks and land use separation, followed soon after by height limits. (src)(cached)
Flotsam and Jetsam
– There's an asymmetry between the prosecution of Trump and the prosecutions he's threatening if he returns to office. (src)(cached)
– 300 mile range EVs are now much cheaper than the average new US car (src)(cached)
– People who were closest to Trump in his first term say he's not fit for office. Pence, Ryan. Makes you think huh? (src)(cached)
– A picture of all of China's border disputes in one place. (src)(cached)
– New research indicates that elephants appear to have unique names. (src)
– Details about the structure Apple Intelligence's LLMs. Or if you prefer a video, here's graphs of benchmark results (src)
– They've managed to re-open the port of Baltimore. Hopefully they can rebuilt the bridge next. (src)(cached)
– WSJ reports that Xi tried to hold a meeting with businesspeople to calm them down, it backfired because he was so out of touch, they're now more worried (src)(cached)
– Part of why Montreal was able to build rail cheaply was that they made a law saying NIMBYs couldn't block the project. What a concept! (src)(cached)
– Costco building a new store in LA with a bunch of homes on top to get easier approval via AB2011. Seems good. (src)(cached)
– I had not realized that Ukraine broke Russia's naval blockade. (src)(cached)
– Tim Lee points out that if we had a more robust delivery drone industry in the US, it would provide us manufacturing capacity in the case of a war (src)(cached)
– Russians are worried that Ukraine is successfully taking down their fixed wing surveillance drones with quadcopter drones. The quadcopters are a lot cheaper. (src)(cached)
– It's not just that the Trump crime wave has receded under Biden, murder rates have fallen to where they were pre-Ferguson. (src)(cached)
– US manufacturers adopted Japanese production methods when Toyota started outperforming Ford, today, they should do that again with Chinese manufacturing policy and procedures. (src)(cached)