The "speciated by cancer development in animals" idea is pretty weird, but I guess it's plausible? My quick perusal of wikipedia seemed to indicate that it’s a thought experiment, it would be very hard to prove it had ever happened. Also, yuck.
One question you might ask is "how are other countries faring", the answer is: other countries didn't make the same policy choices we did, and pedestrian fatalities have just gone down and down. It's not a smartphone problem.
If you're wondering how this is happening, it's because the technologies are all getting cheaper quickly.
We should probably try harder to avoid extending student loans for degrees that won't do anything to help the student's future earnings. Not impossible, but maybe try to encourage it slightly less?
Apparently he had figured out by monday that the military had picked up the sound of an implosion, it's kind of insane that so much coverage focused on how much air might be left when there was already clear evidence that the sub was destroyed instantly.
• Long thread arguing against ACA 10, which is a pro housing law, but operates entirely via judicial discrecion, which seems to be a very bad way to run bureaucracies.
• Short thread regarding Amazon's 'just walk out', it's not rolling out very quickly, they're opening brand new stores without it. Maybe LLMs won't be able to take everyone's jobs so fast?