I guess I wasn't the only one who assumed that they'd have higher elderly vaccination rates already.
Wow! One of the minor upsides of California's housing laws is that rent control can't apply to new buildings. This prevents what happened in Saint Paul. Here's a similar analysis of changes to inclusionary zoning requirements, although the outcome there is not as stark.
While we're at it, here's a study of what *can* go wrong with a California City's housing laws.
Looking into this further, I found out that there's a 42 story tower in Caracas that was illegally turned into Favelas when it's construction was unexpectedly halted before the building was completed.
"the first time several members of the Trump campaign leadership even heard of the documentary was when Politico reported the committee had subpoenaed"
• Very long thread about the question of why Russia didn't buy Chinese machine tools previously, and whether they may in the future.