Sort of a bummer that Hungary has gone crazy recently.

Technically manslaughter, I'm not sure a super big fine or a long prison sentence really fix this. Loss of drivers license seems like a good start? As with the bicyclist killed recently in Mountain View, street design probably plays a role as well.

I had no idea Henry George was so popular in his lifetime. (I'm a big fan of his) Here's a thread on why he's important if you're unfamiliar.

People's own well being near a 40 year high, their opinion of the nation's well-being is near a 40 year low. "Individual hope and national despair are not contradictions. For now, they form the double helix of the American spirit."

Economics reporter Kai Ryssdal did not take the news of the public's lack of knowledge on this particularly well.
• A few threads about DALLE-2 (the amazing AI image generator). One about the internal language that it seems to have developed, and one by XKCD author Randall Munroe where he experiments with creating city travel posters.
• Amazing thread from a congressional candidate on why infrastructure is hard in the US. Follows up with details on simple improvements, one I like is "start by requiring local agencies to hire their own experts to keep institutional knowledge in-house".