Favorites June 13th 2022

The lack of investment in next-gen vaccines, along with things like better ventilation, is aggravating. My semi-hot take is that both COVID hawks and doves associate COVID prevention with personal sacrifice and overlook win-win solutions that don't involve much sacrifice.

Eric Topol @EricTopol
We shouldn't be looking for fights, we should be looking for wins.

How much can you learn from a still photograph

Joseph Cox @josephfcox
There were a lot of takes on this little tidbit of news, but I thought this was the funniest.
Once it's possible for a human to do this, I suspect this process is automatable.

Freeport, one of the largest US plants exporting liquefied natural gas, exploded on Wednesday.
Freeport represents a critical piece of infrastructure in Europe's divestment from Russian oil. Yet this story is almost no where in the mainsteam news, so let's dig in.

There's a bit more detail if you click through for the full thread, but the key item is that Natural Gas prices shot up 30% in the UK immediately afterwards.

The destructive capacity of the new culture inside progressive organizations is so great, it feels almost deliberate, according to some. New story here: theintercept.com/2022/06/13/pro…

Hopefully this is a bit of a wake-up call, we really need things functioning better as we get into the midterms.